But, Andrea had just got her new toy (Canon 50D) unpacked and one battery half charged, so I dawdled, had dinner with most of the gang and then Andrea and I had the unexpected opportunity to escape into the wilds of Multnomah Village for a couple of hours unaccompanied by minors.
The plan was a simple one, have a quiet drink, play some more with the new camera, allow the alcohol to dissipate while talking and then drive home.
But O'Connor's had a different idea. Their Saturday night routine had been upsot somewhat by hosting a wedding party earlier in the day, so their evening performance was delayed for an hour. They had to unlock the door for us since we showed up at 8:00.
We sat, talked like photogeeks, shot photos in the dark (the Canon can do that, though not quite as well as the newest, "sell a kidney to afford it" models can). We were having a nice time until a rather astonishing party filed in the front door.
The wedding party was back. It seems we were to be part of the "after reception" party, but this was no ordinary wedding.
The bride was delightful Japanese woman who arrived in a white kimono. Her new husband, a westerner, contrasted smartly in black with black and white trousers. What followed was a visual treat, as traditions completely unfamiliar to us unfolded.
I had not anticipated playing reporter again after all these years, and so didn't have a notebook handy to record names, but it should be noted that the bride arrived in white and was assisted in two more changes of kimono. I had not even brought my camera in from the car until it was clear that the pageantry would be ongoing, so I only caught the last two of the three outfits.
And then the music (and dancing) began. One could write an entire entry on that... but I won't. It's 2:00 AM and I've just driven the 100 miles back home.
Sleep will overtake me shortly.
She's just explaining her clothing, but her gestures are so balletic! "Kabuki" isn't appropriate, as I know that's an all-male affair, but her expressions are definitely worthy of the stage.
These are fantastic, Scott. I do envy you your flash set up!
Very theatrical feel, for sure!
I didn't say it before, but the story telling is every bit as good as the wonderful pics in this post. I enjoy revisiting this memory, sweetheart.
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