Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Truly Summery Sunday

I got an extremely good ride in yesterday, so I didn’t feel ashamed to just spend a lazy morning on foot near home.

From the dock at Coffee Girl

Something to contemplate over your coffee at Coffee Girl.

Celestial Wing

Ugly ship, but nice colors!

USCG Jayhawk

A Jayhawk passed on cue.  No crop or adjustment here… the sucker was just posing.

Pilings from the Riverwalk

Yeah, more of the same for me, but the light was just so nice!

Elliott Hotel and Sunday Market

The Elliott Hotel has excellent beds!  (The big graphic says so!) And, it’s pretty much the anchor for Astoria’s Sunday Market.

Let the kids out!

The poor trolls and clown need a day out, too!

Inside the Astor Hotel

Inside the old Astor Hotel.  This portion is now an antique shop/builder’s recycling center.  Worth checking out regardless of your interests.

Astor Interior 2

Another view of the interior.

Skate Your Date

It might not show up well even if magnified, but these were sold by a rink in Aberdeen, WA.

Astor Hotel Exterior

Detail of the exterior of the Astor Hotel.


The only thing that was different from your average Astoria Sunday was the utter lack of clouds for the majority of the day.  The subject matter is entirely typical… it’s only the quality of light that differs.

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